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I am actively trying to take out some time out and work on some pet projects in addition to my daily work projects. It sometimes gets challenging but I feel this is crucial to stay on track with the continuous progress in the DS field. It also helped me explore and test out some SOTA methods and models to see if it can help with some problems I am tackling at work. Here are some examples of my side projects - 

Natural Language QA - ALBERT

Natural Language Question-Answering model by transfer learning using pre-trained ALBERT model

Chalkboard with Different Languages

Text Classification - BERT

Text Classification to identify offensive tweets using pre-trained BERT model, web scrapped from Twitter API using Scrapy, Beautiful Soup


Image Classification - CNN

Image Classification algorithm using Convolutional NN for hand-written digit recognition used to parse manual account books


Loan Success Classification

Loan Analysis and bad debtor profiling to identify key indicators of bad debts using Lending Club and US Census Datasets

Financial Reports

Gender Inequality Index Analysis

Analysis of the effects of social factors on Gender Inequality Index: Polynomial Regression Modeling in Python

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